If you have recently joined the world of “adulting” or know someone who has, it can be overwhelming. Here are some quick tips that might be helpful. For financial decisions you need to make, our team is here to help!
1. By all means, take time to figure things out: Give yourself a break if you don’t know what you want to do right away, or if you find yourself struggling with the transition. Take time to experiment with different jobs and living situations until you figure out what’s right for you. If you are thinking about relocating, visit places that you want to live, to make sure they are really what you want.
2. Keep in touch with your friends: Make a concerted effort to keep in touch with the people who are really important to you.
3. Move your partying to the weekend: Instead of pushing yourself to the limit like you did in college, be sure to get plenty of sleep, and save your nights out for the weekend.
4. Learn how to cook: Real life doesn’t come with a meal plan, so you’re going to have to learn how to cook for yourself. Explore online classes, or check out some cookbooks from the local library!
5. Make it a point to live all by your lonesome: Living alone teaches you how to ‘adult’ in ways that living with your parents never can.
6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: The world of “adulting” can be intimidating. Bills, managing your income, time and a new job can be overwhelming. Ask those who you trust for advice, assistance and resources before you feel totally overwhelmed. Chances are, they have all been exactly in the same spot as you and have great insights.
7. Remember your school is there to assist: Just because you aren’t on campus anymore doesn’t mean you can’t use its resources. Many schools have alumni services that offer networking events and career advice, so make sure you take advantage of these things if you are job hunting.
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